Brigade Woods - Price Sheet
The price of an apartment in Brigade Woods depends on various factors such as the type of apartment, its size, location within the project, and the amenities offered. Here is a general breakdown of the price range for apartments in Brigade Woods:
- 1 BHK apartments: The price of 1 BHK apartments in Brigade Woods ranges from around INR 45 lakhs to INR 55 lakhs.
- 2 BHK apartments: The price of 2 BHK apartments in Brigade Woods ranges from around INR 80 lakhs to INR 1.3 crores.
- 2.5 BHK apartments: The price of 2.5 BHK apartments in Brigade Woods ranges from around INR 1.2 crores to INR 1.5 crores.
- 3 BHK apartments: The price of 3 BHK apartments in Brigade Woods ranges from around INR 1.4 crores to INR 2 crores.
- 3.5 BHK apartments: The price of 3.5 BHK apartments in Brigade Woods ranges from around INR 2.3 crores to INR 2.7 crores.
The above prices are only indicative and may vary based on the specific unit's location, facing, and other factors. Additionally, it is important to note that there may be additional charges for amenities like car parking, clubhouse membership, and maintenance charges, among others.
Let me give you an example to illustrate the price breakdown for an apartment in Brigade Woods:
Let's say you are interested in buying a 2 BHK apartment in Brigade Woods. The size of the apartment is around 1,000 square feet, and it is located on the 7th floor of the building with a view of the clubhouse and the swimming pool. Here is a possible price breakdown for this apartment:
- Base price: The base price for a 2 BHK apartment in Brigade Woods is around INR 8,000 per square foot. Therefore, the base price for this apartment would be around INR 80 lakhs (INR 8,000 per sq ft x 1,000 sq ft).
- Floor rise charges: The 7th floor is considered a higher floor, and therefore, there may be a floor rise charge of around INR 50 to 100 per square foot. Assuming a floor rise charge of INR 75 per sq ft, the total floor rise charges for this apartment would be around INR 75,000 (INR 75 per sq ft x 1,000 sq ft).
- View premium: Since this apartment has a view of the clubhouse and swimming pool, there may be an additional premium charged for this. Assuming a view premium of INR 200 per sq ft, the total view premium for this apartment would be around INR 2 lakhs (INR 200 per sq ft x 1,000 sq ft).
- Other charges: There may be additional charges for amenities like car parking, clubhouse membership, and maintenance charges. Assuming a car parking charge of INR 10 lakhs, a clubhouse membership charge of INR 2 lakhs, and an annual maintenance charge of INR 5 per sq ft, the total other charges for this apartment would be around INR 12.1 lakhs (INR 10 lakhs + INR 2 lakhs + INR 5 per sq ft x 1,000 sq ft x 5 years).
Therefore, the total price for this 2 BHK apartment in Brigade Woods would be around INR 94.85 lakhs (INR 80 lakhs + INR 75,000 + INR 2 lakhs + INR 12.1 lakhs). Please note that this is just an example, and the actual price may vary based on the specific unit's location, facing, and other factors.
It is always recommended to consult with a trusted real estate agent or directly contact the builder for an accurate price breakdown of the apartment you are interested in.